Episode 119: Should you consider a dental membership plan?
April 22, 2020
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 119: Should you consider a dental membership plan?
Hey there Ambitious Dentists,
I hope you and your loved ones continue to stay healthy and safe.
I know that for some, the last thing you might want to do is listen to a dental podcast, but if you're looking for a quick break from the chaos of the last few months, I think you'll really enjoy today's episode.
Today I sit down with previous SYDP guest, Jordon Comstock, CEO of BoomCloud, a dental membership plan software that has helped hundreds of dentists successfully implement membership programs in their practice.
We cover some of the latest insights on membership plans as well as some best practices to improve your chances of success.
Here's just some of what you'll learn in today's episode.
Why a dental membership plan can help you get through difficult times.
What exactly a "membership program" is, and whether it might be right for you.
The biggest mistakes with membership plans and how to avoid them.
Why membership plans aren't just good for you... but why your patients will love them as well.
What Amazon Prime can teach you about running a successful dental practice.
How to retain patients that are out of network.
And much more...
Should you consider a dental membership plan?
"When an uninsured patient becomes a member of a practice, that patient spends about 2-3x more than a nonmember." - Jordon Comstock
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