How To Create A Path Towards Clinical Freedom with Jayme Amos – Ep. 1 – Start Your Own Practice
August 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Create A Path Towards Clinical Freedom with Jayme Amos – Ep. 1 – Start Your Own Practice
Welcome to Episode 1 of Start Your Dental Practice.
This is the show for existing and aspiring dentists to start or take your dental practice to the highest possible level.
In every episode, we’ll be demystifying the “how to start a dental practice” problem.
This show will feature world-class influencers and consultants in the dental industry to pick their brain about how to get past the barriers involved from no practice, to practice owner, to successful practice.
Today’s inaugural guest is Jayme Amos.
Click here to get today’s episode bonus: What I would do step-by-step to find a dental practice location.
Jayme is the bestselling author of Choosing the Right Practice Location, host of the Dentistry’s Ideal Practices Podcast and founder of where thousands of readers visit his blog each month.
You can find his publications on Dental Town, the quarterly ADA Newsletter, Dental Entrepreneur Magazine, Ignite DDS and other prominent outlets in dentistry.
Jayme’s firm works across the country helping dentists step into practice ownership.
His consulting team guides doctors through all 13 Stages of opening new dental practices. Over the last 10 years, he’s worked with dentists and recognized their choice of “location” as having the most impact on a practice’s potential for growth.
Here are a few things you’ll learn in today’s episode:
- How to break free from financial ties and earn what you’re worth
- The biggest thing holding back most dental practices owners back from advancing in their business and lives
- How to tell when you’re ready to make a big move in your practice (this applies even if you haven’t opened your practice yet)
- Why knowing just the next step or two is critcle to overcoming fear as a dentist (and business owner)
- How Jayme discovered his calling in the dental industry (and went on to help small business owners with his passion)
- How to protect yourself in an associate-to-partner relationship (and not get screwed over at the last second)
- What to do when you think you’re ready to be a practice owner
- What step most new practice owners skip when starting a practice
- The “perfect path” to take and what metrics will help guide you to opening your own practice
- The step most doctors don’t spend enough time on when it comes to their target market
- How to find your ideal patient (and the technique you should use to help you pursue that person)
- How identifying your target market helps you attract MORE people just like them
- The “population to doctor ratio” (and why the old adage doesn’t have it right)
- How to serve your patients (and staff) properly
- What the Constitution says about you and your practice (and why it gives you value and motivation)
- Why you shouldn’t start your practice by finding a location
- How to create smoother path to practice success, fulfill your life goals, have a greater impact on people’s lives, have a better financial outcome, and spend less marketing dollars to find new patients by having the right location strategy
- Why having good people on your team helps you drastically improve your life and business
Free Episode Bonus:
After sorting through today’s episode, I thought it’d be helpful to provide a real-World scenario for finding a location.
So if you’d like to know exactly, step-by-step what I’d do to start a dental practice, click here and you’ll be given direct access to a bonus audio clip.

Quotes – Click to share on Twitter:
- “Action creates traction.” – Jonathan VanHorn
- “We define our buildings, thereafter they define us.” – Winston Churchill
Resources Mentioned:
- David Wright
- Ideal Practices Podcast
- Choosing Your Location – Amazon Affilate Link
- 1,000 book giveaway:
Jayme’s Resources:
- Website
- Podcast
- Thank Jayme by clicking here
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