Episode 106: HR Fundamentals With Chris Lessard
February 27, 2018
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 106: HR Fundamentals With Chris Lessard
When starting your dental practice, the list of things you “need to do” is virtually endless. You need to hire your first employee. You need to setup your website. You need to find the perfect office location.
And in all the chaos of getting things up and running, many dentists neglect one of the most important components of successful dental practice.
Human Resources.
Which is a huge mistake.
While HR can often be complicated and overwhelming, the truth is, not having the right foundation can really come back to cost you and your practice. There are plenty of things you can put off for later, but HR is not one of them.
Today I’m excited to sit down with Chris Lessard of CEDR HR. Chris is a California barred attorney and knows a thing or two about how to handle HR and successfully grow your practice.
Chris and I met at a CE event a few months back and I just knew I had him on the show. His day to day role involves advising dental practices all across the country about their specific HR needs.
Here are a few things you’ll discover in today’s episode
- How HR” affects virtually every part of your dental practice.
- Chris’s definition of HR and why it’s important.
- The secret to avoiding costly “HR landmines” that could derail your practice.
- Why it’s so hard to remain compliant in today’s fast paced dentistry world.
- Common mistakes new dentists make when making their first hires…
And much more…
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with HR, you definitely won’t want to miss today’s episode.
Now here’s my interview with Chris Lessard from CEDR HR. Enjoy the interview!
HR Fundamentals With Chris Lessard
About The Guest
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