What you need for a successful website
September 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeWhat you need for a successful website
When it comes to creating a website for your practice, it seems like everyone wants to tell you what you need…
… but one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s hard to find people and companies that will tell you what you DON’T need.
Enter Jeff Gladnick.
When it comes to websites in the dental field, he’s the go-to guy.
As you know, the mission of Start Your Dental Practice is to give you – the Ambitious Dentist – the tools necessary to start, and run, a successful dental practice.
There are many aspects that go into a website that actually attracts your ideal patients, and today, Jeff gives us the rundown on EXACTLY what that looks like.
Click here to get today’s episode bonus: A step-by-step walkthrough for how to content market with your website.
Here are a few things you’ll discover in today’s episode:
- The weird way Jeff initially got started making websites, and how he started automating the process to help more dentists
- The referral conversation your ideal patients inevitably have, and how your website can negatively or positively affect how many of those ideal patients show up to your practice
- Why your social media channels should match your website (and the psychological trigger that fires when they do)
- Which should come first… your practice? Or your website? (and what timeframe you should follow)
- How Google will treat your site in the first 90 days (and why this is important to launching your site and new practice)
- How to get your site ranked #1 in Google (without “hacking” the search engine”)
- How to avoid having your practice mislisted in the wrong city or state
- Why you shouldn’t rely on a one-person operation (and what could happen to your site if you do)
- What happens when you don’t use the terms your ideal patient uses to describe your services
- What you need to know to avoid losing your site and content forever
- The red flags you need to look for when trying to find a website development firm
- The cons to having contracts involved in your website
- How to handle a website when you’re acquiring a previously established practice
- How to avoid losing “seo juice” when transferring a website from one owner to another
- The ONE vital thing every acquired practice website needs to have so that your visitors don’t experience site errors
- How to avoid looking like every other website in your market
- What “duplicate content” is and why you want to avoid posting it
- The right (and wrong) way to make sure your site appears properly on mobile devices
Free Episode Bonus:
Jeff and his team went above and beyond for you guys.
For today’s bonus, you can get access to a step-by-step video series for how to use content marketing with your website
Get that video series by clicking here.

Quotes – Click To Share On Twitter:
- “You have to budget your time according to yourself and the guidance you get from your marketing company.” – Jeff Gladnick
- “You may not want to work with a company that’s huge unless they have a good value proposition that meets your needs.” – Jeff Gladnick
- “You should never call bleaching “bleaching” on your website, you should call it “whitening” because that’s what consumers believe.” – Jeff Gladnick
- “If a company is uncomfortable giving you references, that’s a red flag.” – Jeff Gladnick
- “Any company who claims they have any kind of special relationship with Google – You should probably get away.” – Jeff Gladnick
- “Google wants everything to be responsive and everything to be on the same domain.” – Jeff Gladnick
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